21-Day Lymph Cleanse - 20% OFF
The lymph is THE WASTE DISPOSAL SYSTEM of the human body. It is essential to health and life. The main job of the 100,000+ MILE LONG lymphatic system in your body is to keep your blood clean. The Bible tells us that “The life of the flesh is in the blood.” Leviticus 17:11. The lymph is the communication point between the bloodstream and the tissues of your body and the lymph nodes are responsible for the production of many immune fighting cells. Without healthy and clean flowing rivers of lymph, your waste elimination pathways back up and the entire immune system slows and becomes compromised.
A congested lymph system allows waste to accumulate in the body, creating acidity which destroys tissues, glands, and organs. This lymph congestion causes, fluid retention, weight gain, and cellulite, also slowing the immune response which can lead to a build-up of chronic infections in the body. Lymphatic congestion is linked to ovarian cysts, fibroids, tumors, breast lumps, breast cancer, edema/swelling, skin problems (acne eczema, psoriasis, etc.) and other cancers.
20% Off Until July 31st
Purchase our Lymph Cleanse Package, 20% off during the month of July & download our Cleansing Guide for FREE. You'll receive diet and supplement recommendations, video and blog resources, recipes, access to our Private Facebook Group to make sure your cleanse is a success. Coupon Code: "cleanse20"
12 Classes - 20% Off
Movement is critical to keep the blood moving and to release stagnation from the organs of the body. Rebounding is one of the best exercises for increasing blood flow and moving congestion in the body with leads to weight loss. Buy a Rebounding 12 class pass package for 20% off and attend 3 classes a week for cardio, muscle building, and speeding lymphatic flow.
12 Sessions - 20% Off
Toxins are stored in fat cells of the body. Heat displaces toxins out the cells. Heat causes sweating which helps open up the kidneys and lymphatic systems. Heat increases core body temperature which helps metabolism and thermogenesis. Think of it this way. Heat speeds things up and cold slows things down. We want to speed up metabolism and blood flow in the body! Get 20% off 12 Sauna Sessions at Spirit of Health.