Please download the appropriate client form and either email it back to us at or bring it with you 5 minutes before your scheduled class or session.


Private Session
Client Form

All new clients participating in a Private or Semi-Private Pilates Session must fill out and sign the Private Session Client Form and Eden Studio Release Form before their first session begins. 

Group Class
RegistrATION Form

All new clients participating in any Group Class must fill out and sign the Group Class Registration Form and Eden Studio Release Form before their first class begins. 

Pre & Post Natal
Client Forms

All clients who are pregnant or have had a baby within the last 6-months must fill out and sign either the prenatal or postnatal registration form and have their doctor or midwife complete the release form below before beginning their first session or group class. 



General Doctor Release Form

A doctor’s release will be requested for any client with significant physical dysfunction, recent injury, or medical diagnosis.