6 Surprising Reasons Why Men Should Try Pilates

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Pilates is just for women, right? Wrong! This statement couldn't be further from the truth. If you don't believe us, Google the founder of Pilates, Joseph Pilates. (Be prepared to have your mind blown). More and more of your favorite male athletes are turning to the practice of Pilates to increase flexibility and muscle endurance. Here is just a short list of athletes you might recognize who use Pilates to help fine-tune their performance and recovery. MLB players like Jake Arrieta, Aaron Judge, and Chris Sale. NBA players like James Harden, Lebron James, and Jason Kidd. Olympians Andy Murray and David Boudia. If that list didn’t convince you, here are our top six reasons why men should practice Pilates.

1. Pain Relief - 
It's no surprise that athletes are known for pushing themselves beyond the limits of what non-athletes think possible. Repetitive movements in sports can put a strain on the body over time, especially the shoulders, hips, and spine. Having a strong core can support these areas to minimize injury and repetitive trauma. Pilates teaches new movement patterns that are efficient and effective for the body to sustain physical activity at any age. Our Co-Founder and Physical Therapist, Jen, discovered Pilates and its benefits after a significant back injury and was able to fully recover to her prior level of activity because of the stabilizing effects of Pilates exercises.

2. Flexibility
 Men typically struggle with flexibility, especially in their abductors (groin), hip flexors, and hamstrings. The practice of Pilates encourages more easy, fluid movements for the entire body bringing balance and uniformity across all muscle groups. Tight muscles are not just a nuisance but can contribute to injury, as well as inefficient and dysfunctional movement long term. Restoring flexibility to the spine and extremities brings the body into a place of true strength.

3. Balance
 - Balance is a critical component to a healthy and active lifestyle. The real secret to balance is in your mind. A body that can make perceived adjustments to maintain a desired posture is achieved through a well-trained mind. Proprioception is the fancy name for the body’s perception of where it is in space. The more a person can fine-tune this mind-body relationship, the greater the overall balance and the more active the core becomes. Balance work and core work go hand in hand, but it all begins with focus. Pilates is a fantastic way to activate and improve the proprioception of the body and create an intentional and very functional workout.

4. Stress Relief - 
For men who carry a never-ending amount of stress, Pilates can facilitate relaxation of the mind. Pilates requires concentration on specific movements and breathing which puts more focus on the mind-body connection during your workouts rather than the stressors of the day. One Pilates session will leave the body feeling lighter with a greater sense of clarity for the day.

5. Muscle Building – Looking to increase muscle definition and reduce muscle imbalance? Muscle development is vital for athletes, but Pilates focuses on building muscles that don't typically get a lot of attention. By working the smaller more stabilizing muscles, you make the larger, bigger muscles more effective with their movements. This ultimately improves your results within any discipline you're currently practicing by building a strong foundation.

6. Posture - 
In essence, physical activity should be about moving efficiently. One of the first things you'll learn through Pilates is that to move efficiently we must be properly aligned. Once you correct your alignment and practice a healthy breathing pattern, you'll notice your posture change. Pilates exercises help to strengthen the postural muscles creating elongation of the body which brings the head, neck, and shoulders into proper alignment. As the spinal muscles get stronger it will be easier to sustain healthy postures. This is particularly helpful for those who work at a desk all day and struggle with chronic pain and stiffness likely due to poor posture. 

Men who are looking for a total body fitness program should consider Pilates, especially if you are looking to retrain and restrengthen the body for optimum efficiency and performance.

At Whole Pilates, we offer a range of group classes for all levels of fitness and styles, including Pilates Mat, Pilates Equipment Class, and Rebounding all based on the foundation of Pilates principles to keep the movement safe and effective. Our classes benefit both men and women. If you're new to Pilates, why not start with our introductory special for new clients and receive your first week of group classes completely free. If you want more individualized attention, check out our Private Pilates Sessions. Private Sessions are especially helpful if you're looking to recover from an injury. 

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